Healing Hands Of Saddleworth
Healing & Holistic Therapies in Saddleworth

Reiki is Japanese for “universal life energy” and also describes a “hands on” natural healing system. It’s a simple, relaxing therapy that helps to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing blocked energy.
As a Reiki Master/Teacher I’m able to channel positive energy into your body by means of touch. Remaining fully clothed you’ll relax on a massage table or bed whilst I gently rest my hands in a sequence of positions, each one being held for a couple of minutes.
I started on my spiritual journey over 12 years ago when I first experienced Reiki myself, it helped me heal the stresses of life, allowing me to focus on what was important and leaving me with a sense of balance. I can only describe this as being one of the best things that has come into my life. This led me to learn the arts myself in order to help others experience the positive benefits from Reiki and many years later I now have the pleasure in teaching Reiki and passing on my wealth of knowledge. I particularly enjoy using it alongside other conventional or complementary treatments to provide support during Illness and recovery.
Over the last 12 years, alongside my business I have regularly helped to raise money for various charities, I have attended specialist training in cancer care to make sure I adhering to guidelines, protocols and best practice. My aim, through Reiki is to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety and help my clients, patients and carers cope better with their cancer and treatment. Many healthcare professionals accept Reiki as a useful complementary therapy that may help to lower stress, promote relaxation and help to improve quality of life.
Reduces Stress & Anxiety
Helps lower blood pressure
Improve power of Healing
Balances energy & Chakras
Relives pain & discomfort
enables to sleep better